Lila's Mission

The RavenByre Mission

We donate $1 from every active subscription to Lila's Blend Granola to the Dance Marathon fundraiser to support Riley Children's Hospital. 

Lila Simmons, our co-founder, has been a part of Carmel High School Student government for 2 years. She has had the privilege to work with some of the best students at Carmel High School to work for a great cause. They spend all year fundraising and promoting Riley Children's Hospital with a number of different events.

More From Lila

Riley Children's Hospital provides the best care for kids who are going through the toughest time. Knowing that what we do for Riley is a beneficial factor to not only the kids having to go through something awful but the families and parents of that child too. Being able to support an organization that has such a high need, and knowing that even some of Carmel High School students have been and needed care at Riley is amazing.

Being a part of this organization, I have had experiences that have shown me how hard the things kids at such a young age have to go through. Yet we have also had the opportunity to see how much of an impact the money fundraised does, whether it be research, quality of care, or even just providing something that makes those kids lives just a little bit better.